Renier Perfumes
"There are people who see colors when they smell fresh rain or a flower. There are people who feel the sun and the scent of flowers, when they see a work of art. A frame. I join the two pleasures. I am a plastic artist, lover of realistic painting, surreal and romantic. From my childhood I spend hours in my workshop to create images, concepts, symbols that come from our world so visual and full of colors. But life is also full of scents, so it was like some years ago I discovered the existence of another world - the wonderful universe of fragrances - I started to create my own smells and develop the emotions they transmit. Until ideas took their level and brought these two arts together. I fused them, as if they were blood brothers. Thus were born my first plastic works that inspired perfumes or perfumes that motivated to paint a canvas. And in this way Renier Perfumes arose. It is about transmitting through the feelings that perceives the smell all the possible emotions inspired by a painting. Darkness, mystery, caution, suspense, abulia, longing, nudity, strength, love, rebirth, overcoming, are simply an example of the emotions that atomize my pictures - perfumes. Each of my perfumes is inspired by a painting." - a note from the founder, Renier Rodríguez Méndez.